
Robert C.
Skepticism towards NESS
(cancer Stage 4)
Everyone experiences gut-wrenching pain sometime in their life and wishes it would quickly disappear. Just imagine if you had to put up with severe pain for most of your night and day. Hello, my name is Robert C., and this is my true story.

As the CEO of a leading British corporation there were plenty of important decisions waiting for me every day. Then I was diagnosed with cancer, the incurable pancreatic type that progressed rapidly to Stage 4. The pain was not only excruciating, but it was also my constant companion. I could hardly focus on the important decisions my company needed from me. Nothing seemed to be working and I had all but given up when a close friend sent me the link to Dr. Nick’s extraordinary success story of Stacy with NESS. At first, I was very skeptical, little hope remained, yet my inner voice insisted otherwise; but the way I overcame my skepticism towards NESS was by realizing with the help of my own experience that Stacy’s pain was in fact real.

Soon thereafter I was on my way to Miami to see Dr. Nick. I was given only three months to live, so what did I have to lose, I wanted the rest of my days to be as pain-free as possible. To my great surprise, however, after only a few sessions my pain trauma was gone, and I felt like my old self.

What happened next? We went to Disney World and then back to London. There, I was tested by my doctor, expecting the familiar prognosis, but without all that insufferable pain. To our complete amazement, however, the tests suggested my cancer was in remission. Wow not only was the pain gone, but the cancer was also leaving as well. My doctor and I were in shock and disbelief, we ran new tests and had the previous tests repeated several times. Each time the results proved that the cancer was in remission. Then after a few more months they came back completely negative. I cried, I laughed, I sighed, I believed, and I called Dr. Nick and thanked him from the bottom of my heart.

Katharina B.
Fear of death
(cancer Stage 4)
Two and a half years ago my surgeon took out my left kidney, left adrenal gland and one cancerous lymph node, as well as a 10 x 10 cm cancerous tumor attached to my kidney (left radical nephrectomy). It was a very difficult operation with a lengthy recovery time.
Six weeks after my surgery, my surgeon informed me of the analysis of what was removed from my body. The cancer was a very aggressive one and had spread into the veins surrounding the kidney and one lymph node. This made the prognosis quite grim. The surgeon told me I was at Stage 4 (terminal) and that unfortunately, this type of cancer could not be treated with chemotherapy or radiation. He said it would spread to my lungs next. I was sent home "to put my affairs in order."
After I recovered from this unexpected shock, I realized I had a very strong desire to live. I decided to add non-invasive holistic methods to help me with my healing. For me, this meant I needed to look after my body, mind and spirit.
I switched to Dr. Johanna Budwig's Oil-Protein Diet, which is designed to inhibit cancer growth. I started having acupuncture treatments twice a week combined with Chinese herbs and tinctures at home in Germany. I went for long daily walks by the ocean to get fresh air and oxygen into my body. I did steam sauna treatments to release toxins through my skin and I used aromatherapies. I asked for God's help to be able to heal myself. I asked for a blessing for every treatment and for everything I ate and drank.
Probably the approach that had the most significant effect on my energy levels and health was Dr. Nick's treatment in Miami, Florida, USA. My daughter-in-law introduced me to Dr. Nick. I didn't know if I could make the long flight to Miami because I was very sick and not doing well at all. At this time, I had no other options, and nothing was working, so I decided to go to Miami for the treatment. During my second session I found out through NESS that I had severe childhood traumas which I had not yet released.
Three months after the NESS treatments I had a clean chest x-ray. Two months later I had live-blood and biological-terrain tests done by a medical doctor in Germany who uses natural therapies. Both tests showed a good state of health. My acid/base was balanced, my energy level was over 100%, and my biological age was 19 years less than my birth age of 72. My blood still needed some more cleaning. The following month, an ultrasound around my abdominal area showed it was clear of any cancer. Three months after the ultrasound I again had a biological-terrain test done and it showed all values in normal ranges and my biological age was 27 years less than my birth age. After this test I also started taking vitamin and mineral supplements from Dr. Nick on a regular basis.
I'd like to mention that with all the cleansing efforts I did, I never had any detox symptoms. I just felt a little bit better every day and said so out loud. I know that the NESS treatments helped me a lot, but if I wouldn't have addressed my emotional problems as well, I feel it could come back again. To me it started there.
One month ago, I had a CAT scan and chest x-ray done—both showed no cancer anywhere. I am grateful for my recovery and all the help that came to me and also for everything the cancer taught me. My life feels renewed, and I am now going to travel with and to my family and do all the things I couldn't do for a while. Thank you so much Dr. Nick. You and your team have given me back my life and I will always be indebted to you and your team for the rest of my life. God bless you!

I was 40 years old in 2010 when I went to the emergency room for what I now know were the first symptoms of colon cancer. At the time though, I didn’t know this and the pain in my lower left abdomen and severe constipation was diagnosed just as that, and I got sent home.
They didn’t do much investigating and told me to go home and book a colonoscopy with my family doctor. Sadly, it would take another four months to get an appointment.I didn’t know it then, but the cancer was evolving, and I was probably already at about stage four at this point. Three months went by, and the same thing happened which landed me in the emergency room again. This time, the doctor did a deeper investigation and found a tumor in my belly attached to the colon, bigger than a tennis ball. A week later, I had my first surgery —15 cm of colon along with the tumor were removed.
A week after that, the colonoscopy booking department called to make an appointment with me. I told the lady thanks anyway, but it was too late for that. During the surgery, they found two spots on my liver to where the cancer had spread, but I needed to recover from the first surgery and was in the hospital for two weeks. I knew I needed to make a major lifestyle change. I had been careless; I ate and drank whatever I wanted and didn’t pay attention to my health. I weighed about 240 pounds. I ate lots of fast and fatty foods. I started reading and searching on the internet on alternative treatments. After recovering from the first surgery, I was told by a very close friend about Dr. Nick and his treatment in Miami, but I was still very skeptical.
After the first surgery, I continued to recover. During one of my regular check-ups, the doctor discovered the spot on my liver was growing. They said it also might have spread to my blood. I knew I needed another surgery. My oncologist told me to just wait until I was fully recovered from the first surgery. I was referred to a liver surgeon who said it was imperative to remove the affected areas of my liver as soon as possible. If the whole liver was affected, I would need a transplant. In the spring of 2011, I had my second surgery. It lasted nine hours, with ten medical staff working on me. Three quarters of my liver and the whole gallbladder was affected. The doctor told me that during the surgery he was chasing every cancer cell he could and believes he got it all. I know I had a really good surgeon; he’d performed more than a thousand liver surgeries and is one of the top surgeons in the U.S. So, there I was with this giant cut on my belly, after an exhausting nine-hour surgery. They hooked me up to morphine to kill the pain, but I didn’t want to take it, but I had to have it. Anyway, at this point I decided to go see Dr. Nick in Miami. I spent three weeks there for NESS treatments. When I got home the doctors told me that normally a recovery from this kind of liver surgery would take weeks and weeks. But NESS had boosted my immune system up so much that to the surprise of the doctors, I recovered in three weeks.
The doctor told me “Man you are amazing!” He’d never seen anything like it. After the NESS treatments my body healed so well and the one-quarter of my liver, in three weeks had grown back to almost its normal size. It went from 200 g to about 1 kg! I continued on Dr. Nick's herbal supplements protocol adding in vitamin C infusions. I combined modern medicine with alternative medicine. All this could not be possible if God was not involved. And it started first with me choosing to help myself. I stayed positive and I didn’t blame anyone or anything. I was prepared to die, and I’d got all my affairs in order. My family would be taken care of. I told God: “If it’s my time, I’ll go. But I prefer to stay alive for my family.
I will do what’s in my power to heal.” I have a younger wife and three young children. Two months after the liver surgery, I was supposed to have my first chemo, but I no longer needed it. NESS gave me so much energy and I felt great! My tests were all clear. In January of 2012, I begged the oncologist to let me go back to work after being on disability for a year. I repeat blood tests every three months and a CT scan every six months as well as a colonoscopy once a year. I’ve been cancer-free for almost six years. If I compare how I feel now to how I was feeling before my diagnosis, I’d have to say that before I generally felt bad. I was tired all the time, overweight, and lethargic. I didn’t pay attention to what I was eating or how I was living. Today I feel so full – I’m happy and grateful. I now weigh 183 pounds and after losing 57 pounds I am so full of energy I can’t even begin to tell you.
I go to work like I’m flying. The guys there jokingly ask me, “Whatever you are on, we want some!”I attribute my improved health to five things: Faith in God, a positive outlook, Dr. Nick's treatments at Miami NESS, changing my diet and lifestyle for a healthier one, and a great oncologist and surgeon. I control what I can and have faith that God will take care of the rest. I couldn’t be who I am today without this happening to me. I believe that I had to go through all this in order to become a better man. I’m a much more caring and compassionate person and full of gratitude."
Thank you for all you do Dr. Nick, by healing me of my emotions, brain and body. I told God: “If it’s my time, I’ll go. But I prefer to stay alive for my family. I will do what’s in my power to heal.”​
David R.
Death Sentence
(cancer Stage 4)